Prostate Cancer; the facts and how nutrition can help

Wellbeing fresh factsNews Blog8 Comments

ProstateProstate Cancer; the facts and how nutrition can help in 2018

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men throughout the UK, with new cases diagnosed at a rate of 40,000 per year. It is most seen in men over the age of 50 and unfortunately prostate cancer can develop incredibly slowly so that no sign is evident for a number of years.
Treatment for prostate cancer is available on diagnosis, but if you are looking to keep your prostate healthy throughout your life then there are nutritional changes that you can make.

What is your prostate?

Before we look at the ways that you can keep your prostate healthy let’s learn more about what it is.
The prostate is a small gland (roughly around the size of a Satsuma) that is found in the pelvis of men. The main function of the prostate is to produce semen, which is mixed with the sperm produced by the testicles.

How can you tell there is an issue?

As we have already discussed, the symptoms of prostate cancer can take some time to notice and often the first warning sign will be around problems urinating.
This includes:
• Frequent urination, especially during the night
• An urgent need to urinate
• Difficulty in starting to urinate
• Weak flow
• Urination taking some time
Whilst these are symptoms attributed to prostate cancer, many men’s prostates can swell as they get older due to a non-cancerous condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate enlargement). Therefore it is important to visit your doctor if you are concerned about your health.

Prostate Cancer - Natural Support

Prostate Cancer – Natural Support

How nutrition can help

There are a variety of different natural essences that are known to support both the prostate gland and bladder, ensuring that they are functioning well and healthy.
They each have an important part to play in the health of your prostate and have their own benefits. Let’s look at these all important helping hands.

Siberian Ginseng
This particular herb has been tested in a clinical setting to prove that it helps with the development and growth of prostate cancer and has an overall positive effect on the health of your prostate. It also boosts vitality.

Saw palmetto berry

The extracts of this particular berry provides a targeted boost to your prostate.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds have been recommended for years to help men who have an enlarged prostate. They contain phytosterols, which is believed to help shrink the prostate; they also contain chemicals that prevent the transformation of testosterone into DHT, which is associated with enlarged prostate.


Zinc is known to help with prostate enlargement and much like pumpkin seeds can block the body from converting testosterone into harmful DHT.
So now you know some of the best things to have in your diet to ensure that your prostate is as healthy as possible. But what you might not know is that with one great supplement you can have all of these things in your diet.

CAPS MASCU (short for masculine) is that supplement. It contains a variety of different nutritional ingredients brought together in order to help keep your prostate in the best health possible. So if you are worried about your prostate, or just want to keep it functioning well, this is the supplement for you.

Prostate – Learn more here – and order

Wellbeing fresh factsProstate Cancer; the facts and how nutrition can help

8 Comments on “Prostate Cancer; the facts and how nutrition can help”

  1. rhys

    A number of feelings; disbelief, fear, anger, anxiety and depression are common during prostate cancer. Maybe more should be taking these Mascu Caps for Prostate – Natural approachjes can only help.

  2. Peter54

    The choice of treatment will differ for each individual. A person’s age, general health, grade and stage of the cancer, symptoms, lifestyle and personal choice will all be taken into account. It is important that time is taken to consider the treatment options available.

  3. Mandy

    They say prostate cancer can be controlled by lowering the level of testosterone in your body with hormone therapy.
    This natural approach might be more gentle and natural if staryed soon enough – sounds like good prevention

  4. emma

    Excellent addition to this thread, I agree 100% on all points of article, but Nobody is really sure of what the specific causes are. There are so many possible factors, including age, race, lifestyle, medications, and genetics, to name a few.

  5. John1234

    Lycopene, which is found in tomatoes can significantly reduse the risk of prostate cancer in men.
    Lycopene, which incidentally is richer in tomatoe sause than fresh tomatoes, is also used as a colouring (E160d) in the food industry.

  6. Jim100

    I think that natural remedies can help in this case – just hope it is preventative – as this is something i’d prefer to avoid. I didn’t know it was that widespread in the UK – a bit of a shocker really – Prostate Nutritional Supplements sound good to me – just in case – a bit like taking out insurance

  7. Anthony61

    Never realised Prostate Cancer was so widespread – yet so little reported about it. Really got my attention. Like the approach of prevention, support and Natural Ingredients. Trying to be a bit more conscious about what I put in my body.

  8. Gary

    Great article for prostate cancer, thanks for your help! Don’t fancy getting this one – so these supplements look appealing as a natural preventive insurance policy

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