The Yoga of Oil Pulling

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The Yoga of Oil Pulling We attended a conference in Oxfordshire some years ago and one of the guest speakers delivered a snappily titled – 10 steps to Wellness presentation. We could see on the worktop at the front, an enchanting array of raw foods, plant based ingredients, herbs, spices, superfoods, mixers, blenders, utensils, spring water and other nutritional delights. What’s the thing? … Read More

Wellbeing fresh factsThe Yoga of Oil Pulling

Vegan Oil Pulling Day – Tooth Oil

Wellbeing fresh factsNews BlogLeave a Comment

Vegan Tooth Oil 2021

VEGAN OIL PULLING DAY – Order yours today – We’ve been attending Vegan shows now for 3-4 years and there has been great interest in Oil Pulling & Tooth Oil. In fact everyday is Vegan Oil Pulling Day! Of course Ayurveda has this knowledge since 1000s of years – but with this 21stcentury update –  Oil pulling has become convenient … Read More

Wellbeing fresh factsVegan Oil Pulling Day – Tooth Oil